B.B. King tells the story of how his jingle got him a radio gig at WDIA in Memphis, TN.
B.B. King tells the story of how a product jingle got him a gig at WDIA in Memphis, TN, the country's first radio station to program exclusively for African-Americans. King approached the white station owners for an audition, and they asked him for a tune for Peptikon, which King provided on the spot. Peptikon, a so-called medicinal tonic, became the product sponsor for King's own regular show.
AIR DATE 2/12/16
Explore B.B. King’s challenging life and career through candid interviews with the “King of the Blues,” filmed shortly before his death, and fellow music stars, including Bono, Bonnie Raitt, Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton, John Mayer, and Ringo Starr.
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