Christopher Poor

Christopher Poor: Arms + Armor

Arms and Armor, founded by Christopher Poor in 1982, handcrafts Medieval and Renaissance replicas in the old world way.

Arms and Armor, founded by Christopher Poor in 1982, handcrafts Medieval and Renaissance replicas in the old world way. Poor and his artisans painstakingly research, model and create their work from historic artifacts. Arms and Armor’s authentic pieces are found in theaters around the world, including Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London, as well as many museum and private collections, feature films and television productions. Minnesota Music in this Segment:
[ti_audio name="Arms + Armor" randomize="1"] Rose Ensemble Savage Aural Hotbed Todd Menton
Photographs Courtesy of: Craig Johnson Andy Bradshaw
MORE INFO: Artist web site: Arms & Armor Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Air Date 1/29/12

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