Gregory Euclide

Gregory Euclide

Gregory Euclide doesnt just paint landscapes. In a stunning show of flying pencils, scraping spatulas, spraying water and twisting and tearing paper he brings them to life, imagining the way the land appeared in the past, what shaped its development and how it will evolve going forward.

Gregory Euclidedoesn't just paint landscapes. In a stunning show of flying pencils, scraping spatulas, spraying water and twisting and tearing paper he brings them to life, imaging the way the land appeared in the past, what shaped its development and how it will evolve going forward. His intuitive attack on the canvas is breathtaking, almost as spectacular as the finished piece itself. Almost. Euclide received his MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and was awarded two Minnesota State Arts Board Initiative Grants as well as a Jerome Foundation Residency. Minnesota Music in this Segment:
[ti_audio name="Gregory Euclide"] Peter Wolf Crier Cloud Cult Jeremy Messersmiths

Air Date 8/23/17

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