Photographer Xavier Taveras striking portraits tell the stories of Minnesotas Latino and minority communities.
Photographer Xavier Tavera’s striking portraits tell the stories of Minnesota’s Latino and minority communities. With works exhibited internationally and included in the permanent collections of the Weisman Museum, The Minneapolis Institute of Art and The Plains Museum, Tavera is helping to carve out a place for Chicano artists in the Midwest. We get a glimpse of three of his most recent series, one in which he photographs Latino war veterans, Calle Lake (Lake Street) which documents the Latino subculture of the Lake Street area in Minneapolis, and El Circo (The Circus) in which modern subjects are posed similarly to old circus photos. Minnesota Music in this Segment: Jim and the French Vanilla Doomtree Matt Moberg Minor Kingdom Dark Dark Dark (ome) Special Thanks Manuel Aguirre AmVets Post #5 John Obregon Raymond Rangel Church of St. MaryAir Date 4/27/13
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