Writing/Essay Journal
Jack Reuler began Mixed Blood Theatre in 1976 as an agent of social change and community action. Reuler’s mission is to improve society by promoting individual equality, which he achieves by choosing plays that give a voice to people who have been marginalized and by inviting everyone to attend, whether they can pay or not.
Reuler says that he believes utopia can be achieved. Think about what you would change if you could create a utopian society. Write about your perfect world. A good place to start is in describing a perfect school. What classes would you have, how would it be organized, what would it look like, how would it be different?
In your perfect school you would want everyone to be equal and to have a voice in what happens. Identify two students in your current school who you don’t know, who maybe don’t express themselves much. Try to get to know their stories and to appreciate them for their unique gifts. You may be surprised at what you learn.
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