Objectives: A graffiti artist since high school, Peyton Scott Russell now uses his art to educate young people. Explore the art and artistic value of his work and learn the fundamentals of graffiti from a 20 year veteran of the art form.
Tools/Resources: Paper, ruler and colored pencils/markers.
1) Before watching the segment discuss:
a. What words come to mind when you think of graffiti?
b. Do you consider graffiti a legitimate form of art?
2) After watching the segment discuss:
a. Did learning about Peyton Scott Russell’s work change your perception of graffiti?
b. Who decides what is or isn’t art?
3) Use your name to create your own graffiti design.
a. Divide your paper in three equal lines vertically and four equal lines horizontally.
b. Draw your graffiti name on the grid in uppercase letters and devote each letter in your graffiti name to an equal amount of space on the grid.
c. On a second piece of paper, draw your graffiti name on another grid in lowercase letters. Notice the differences in the cases.
d. On a third piece of paper, draw your graffiti name on another grid in both upper and lowercases. Notice the use of negative space.
e. On a fourth piece of paper, draw your grid (being mindful of proportions) with curved lines instead of straight.
f. Create a final design using your favorite elements from each variation.
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