Storyboard / 9 Tips that Put the ‘Fun’ in TPT’s Family Fun Day

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9 Tips that Put the ‘Fun’ in TPT’s Family Fun Day

June 8, 2017

Family Fun Day at Como Town and Como Zoo

Buckle your summer-fun seatbelts: TPT’s annual Family Fun Day happens this Saturday, June 10, from 10 am until 4 pm at Como Town and Como Park Zoo and Conservatory. In addition to the usual adventures on rides and seeing critters up-close-and-personal, this year’s event features new activities that will make it a day to remember!

Leading up to the big day, we’re offering discounted unlimited-ride wristbands online – and proceeds benefit the quality broadcast and interactive content you’ve come to love from PBS and TPT. So not only will your kiddos have a ball, you’ll also be supporting an awesome cause at the same time. But word to the wise: This discount is only available if you purchase your wristbands in advance and online.

We’ve rounded up a few tips to help you make your Family Fun Day the best day of the summer!

  1. Parking around Como Town and Como Park Zoo can be beastly on beautiful summer days. Take advantage of the free shuttle bus service – it allows passengers to board at the staffed off-site parking lot at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds, located on the south side of Como Avenue across from the State Fair’s Warner Coliseum (1670 Como Avenue). The shuttle runs continuously starting at 9:30 am – and the last shuttle leaves Como Town and Como Park Zoo at 6:30 pm. More info here.Rides
  2. If your kiddos love bubbles, then you’ll definitely want to turn them loose for a free foam party, held at 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm and 4 pm! And never fear, little ones will get hosed off at the end – but you might want to bring a spare set of clothes for kids to change into afterward.
  3. Throughout the day, kids will get to have meet & greets with PBS Kids stars Clifford, Super Why!, Princess Presto, Sid the Science Kid, Word World Duck and Word World Dog! Between 10 am and 4 pm, the characters will alternate between the Main Stage and the Birthday Tent at Como Town. Also, they will gather for parades led by the hip-hop musical and dance extravaganza The Big Epic at 10:20 am, 12:50 pm and 2:50 pm.
  4. Did we mention music? The comical kids hip hop troupe The Big Epic will also perform shows at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm. Get ready to dance and laugh! Probably at the same time.
  5. Right now, the weather looks like it will be nice and toasty – so make sure you come equipped with plenty of sunscreen, water and sun hats. In case there’s a pop-up shower or two, you might want to have some rain gear on hand.
  6. We mentioned the discounted unlimited-ride wristbands that support TPT, right? Some parents have asked us if they also need to buy wristbands. If your little ones are under 40 inches in height, then a parent can accompany them on rides for free. If your kids are bigger than that, you’ll want to get your own wristband if you plan to ride the rides.
  7. Both Como Town and Como Park Zoo offer a slew of food options – everything from BBQ to frozen treats. But you can also pack your own snacks and lunch. But remember: Please don’t feed the animals. Even if your little one REALLY wants to share her gold fish crackers!
  8. If no one in your family wants to ride the S.S. Swashbuckler or the Como Town Swing (among other rides and attractions), then you don’t have to pay a dime. It’s free to walk around both Como Town and Como Park Zoo.
  9. This event will take place rain or shine – sorry, no refunds!

Still have questions about TPT’s Family Fun Day? We’re here to help! Feel free to email us at:

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