Martin Luther King Jr. at a Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C.
From Next Avenue — where grown-ups keep on growing.
On Monday, January 18, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and honor the man who led nonviolent protests during the Civil Rights movement. If you grew up during the 1960s, you likely have vivid memories of King’s transformative work. Or perhaps you’ve seen modern portrayals of King in popular culture, the most recent being Selma, the film about the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., that led to equal voting rights — a key milestone for civil rights.
What was apparent to his followers then remains true today: King was an eloquent speaker. Although his “I Have a Dream” speech is best known and most studied, King also delivered other inspiring messages. In his honor, we offer these nine, lesser-known, but equally powerful selections.
From Next Avenue — where grown-ups keep on growing.
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