Storyboard / Celebrating The Arts Partners and The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra in MN Original Specials

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Celebrating The Arts Partners and The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra in MN Original Specials

September 4, 2015

This post contributed by MN Original Senior Series Producer Ashleigh V. Rowe

MN Original captured an extraordinary moment in the Ordway’s history: the opening of the new Concert Hall.

It was exquisitely designed by architect Tim Carl and acoustician Paul Scarbrough and carefully constructed by McGough.

As ribbons of wood embrace the stage, the aesthetic and technical achievements allow the music to sound so warm and bright, it feels like sunshine filling the hall.

Sounds of Blackness Ordway

Our crew was mesmerized by one performance after another by The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Sounds of Blackness, Haley Bonar, Cantus, The Schubert Club’s Student Scholarship Competition winners and Minnesota Opera in the classic Music Theater.

The leaders of The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, The Schubert Club, Minnesota Opera and the Ordway had formed a unique partnership to build the hall, engage new audiences and ensure the success of each of the organizations that share the Ordway’s stages.

The SPCO’s Bruce Coppock and others call the Concert Hall a “triumph for the community,” that will foster artistic innovation.

The community, the city of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota supported the Arts Partnership and its world-class talent, productions and programs.

Through these organizations, children from all backgrounds are learning about the arts and are inspired. They are filled with the possibility of one day performing at the Ordway. And they are on their way to becoming life-long lovers of the arts.

We were taken by the passion, energy and commitment of all we met during production of the MN Original specials. More than one hundred Minnesota musicians and performing artists, dozens of crew working tirelessly behind the scenes and the exceptional teams within each organization.

We are especially grateful to Patricia Mitchell, Bruce Coppock, Kyu-Young Kim, Barry Kempton and Nina Archabal for this unforgettable experience.

Thank you from all of us at MN Original.

When to watch:

MN Original: The Arts Partners Special premieres Friday, Sept. 4 at 8 p.m. on TPT

MN Original: The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra premieres Friday, Sept. 4 at 8:30 p.m. on TPT


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