Storyboard / EcoFutures - Meet The Team: Regan Golden

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EcoFutures - Meet The Team: Regan Golden

June 7, 2017

Name: Regan Golden

Featured Plants: Oaks


Q: What is your first memory of a plant?

A: My first memory of a plant is also one of my first memories of photography. One April when I was a kid my mom’s red tulips were in full bloom and it snowed! I was so surprised by the red against the white that I took a picture of it with a camera I had just received as a gift but didn’t really know how to use yet. It was the first photograph I ever really made.


Q: What was your favorite plant growing up?

A: My favorite plant growing up, and still, is Lily of the Valley because it blooms around my birthday.


Q: What interests you about the plants you selected for Northern Spark?

A: Oak trees are epic. My little house in the city is sheltered from the rain, wind and sun by two massive Red Oaks. When I lived in Houston, Texas, a Live Oak in my backyard became a dear friend. When I lived in Massachusetts I documented a “Witness Tree” which was a White Oak that was almost three hundred years old, it was cut down last year. As the Artist-in-Residence last year at the College of Biological Sciences Conservatory, I was amazed by the variety in the shapes and sizes of the leaves in the Oaks Collection.

To learn more about the Ecological Futures installation at TPT, visit!

#ecofutures #savethebiomes #northernspark

Ecological Futures: Speculative Biomes of the Past, Present and Future is presented MN Original and TPT as part of Northern Spark 2017, produced by Northern

© Twin Cities Public Television - 2017. All rights reserved.


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