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Vote now! With YOUR help, TPT is creating a new show, Best of Lost Twin Cities. It’s exactly what you’re thinking: all of your favorite stories from the 4 Lost Twin Cities programs compiled into one show. We’ve narrowed the stories down to 12 favorites, but need your feedback to trim down the list even more. Your participation enters you to win the complete DVD set of Lost Twin Cities 1-4, PLUS Minneapolis & St. Paul Past, State Fair Stories AND The Legendary Saint Paul Winter Carnival.
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From Lost Twin Cities I

Train Transportation – Roll back to a time when chugging down the tracks was considered a luxurious experience and, for many, the first impression of the Twin Cities was a train station.

Streetcars & Amusement Parks – Before cars and buses paved the way, streetcars were the stylish way to hop from one city festivity or lake activity to the next.

Minnesota Life Insurance Companies – When tall towers and intricate details were used as symbols of strength to convince customers of the company’s financial stability.

The Metropolitan Building – Rough and rugged on the exterior, light and airy on the interior the Metropolitan Building defined the Minneapolis skyline like a red mountain for decades until it was demolished in 1961.

Birth of Minnesota Sports – Back when the people of the Twin Cities spent their 4th of July watching the Millers and the Saints duke it out and cheered for a basketball team who never had a home court in Minnesota.
From Lost Twin Cities II

Twin Cities Drive-Ins – Riding in style was becoming flashier and where better to show off your bright wheels than at a drive-in?

Music & Entertainment – When big bands and swinging beats brought couples and friends out on a Friday night to places like The Prom, Marigold Ballroom and Treasure Inn.

Axel And His Dog – Clellan Card befriended hundreds of children in the 1950/60’s through his goofy role as Axel, in Axel And His Dog, which aired on WCCO for 12 years.
From Lost Twin Cities III

St. Paul & Minneapolis Auditoriums – From the circus to car shows and singing to sports, the two auditoriums provided hours of entertainment for thousands of people throughout the years.

The Cooper Theater– Cinerama was brought to Minnesota in the 1960’s and opened new worlds to movie-goers with its large, panoramic images.
From Lost Twin Cities 4

Northwest Airlines – It was a time when the distinguished red tail flew high in the sky and traveling by plane was considered comfortable and glamorous.

Dayton’s Oval Room– An elegant space with all the latest fashions of the day, for decades women would go to the oval room to be pampered.
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