We’ve all got one or ten. That story you tell over and over again. The one you have the perfect script for because you’ve told it so many times. Sometimes, our loved ones ask to hear it; sometimes they ask us to stop. Maybe it’s the one about the time a bear followed you while mountain biking in the Boundary Waters, setting your heart on fire with fear. Maybe you immigrated to Minnesota and have a story about the first time you woke up in this foreign land.
TPT wants to hear YOUR Minnesota story
Share your story that could only happen right here in our great state. We’re on the hunt for stories that will make us smile, make us wonder, make us question and celebrate what it means to be a Minnesotan.
If you’ve got a story, we want to hear it. Preferably if it’s a story on the short end of the spectrum – say, 2 to 6 minutes – and takes place in Minnesota (or Minnesota should play an important role). So please send us an email at MyMNStory@tpt.org or call us at 651-229-1109. If we like your story, you just might get to tell it on camera!
By submitting your story, you agree to these terms.
© Twin Cities Public Television - 2018. All rights reserved.
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