Objectives: In this acoustic version of her song “Alone”, Aby Wolf relies upon the natural acoustics of the architecture to help enhance the music. In this activity, explore the physics of sound vibrations and how space affects how our ears hear sound. (Activity adapted from Science Sparks: Making Science Fun for Kids – (http://www.science-sparks.com/2013/05/07/acoustic-science-sound-absorption-and-reflection).
MN Original video clip, small cup, elastic bands (one thick, three or four thin), small tea towel or washcloth.
1) Watch the segment and discuss:
a. What instruments do you hear in the song?
b. What kind of room are they performing in? How can you tell?
c. Why would playing in that kind of room be a better idea than a small closet-like space?
2) Create:
a. Wrap the thick rubber band around your pointer finger and thumb on one hand. Pluck the rubber bands to make a twanging sound. It’s hard to hear, unless we move our ear closer to the band…why?
b. With the thin rubber bands wrapped around the opening of the container/cup, create a similar twanging sound…how is this different than before? Why?
c. Stuff the teatowel/wash cloth into the container/cup and try twanging the rubber bands again…how was this third sound different from the first two? Why?
d. Now put it all together – which of the three rubber band sound experiments does the Aby Wolf video take the most advantage of? How can you tell?
For information on the academic standards fulfilled by this activity download the full guide.
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