Sam Miltich – Jazz Manouche Guitarist


Objectives: Jazz music and musicians, such as Django Reinhart, have been a huge influence on Sam Miltich from an early age.  The music he specifically plays is what he considers “blended music” – music that combines his cultural background, ancestral heritage and is mixed with American culture and personal interest.  In this activity, think about what your own musical identity is – what music describes you, write down a brief journal entry, and share it with small groups.

Tools/Resources: MN Original video clip, pencil and paper.

1) Watch the segment and discuss:

a. What kind of music does Sam Militch play?

b. Why does he refer to the music he plays as “My music”?

2) Brainstorm:

a. What are some musical influences you have? Think of specific genres, artists, places in the world, cultures.

b. If you were to create a new music (i.e. “My music”) what would it sound like? What influences would there be?

3) Create:

a. Write down a brief journal entry about YOUR music based upon the brainstorming done previously.

4) Share:

a. In small groups, talk about your music – what it would sound like, influences, etc.

For information on the academic standards fulfilled by this activity download the full guide.

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